Audio library
The Audio library provides functions for playing and handling audio. All features are contained in the “Audio” Lua table found in the “audio.lua” unit.
Usage example:
-- First, you need to require the “audio.lua” unit require("audio.lua");
-- Now you can access the functions of the library. Audio.LIBRARY_FUNCTION(Argument1, Argument2, ...);
Properties and attributes
This attribute contains the Audio Player object used for playing audio to the user's default audio device
- Audio played through this object is not broadcasted to other users. For audio transmission, consider using mesa.audioPlayer instead.
function Audio.asyncLoadAudioStream(source)
Asynchronously creates an AudioStream object using the content of an audio file.
- source - The source of the audio file. You can provide:
- A string containing the external URL of the audio. Example: ""
- A string containing the file address in the plugin VHD . Example: "/audios/kick.wav"
- A Stream object with the audio file content.
function[, volume])
Plays an audio file using the user's default audio device.
- source - The source of the audio to be played. You can provide:
- A string containing the external URL of the audio. Example: ""
- A string containing the file address in the plugin VHD . Example: "/audios/kick.wav"
- A Stream object with the audio file content.
- (Optional) volume - A number representing the volume at which the audio should be played. This number functions as a multiplication factor, where 0.0 means total silence, and 2.0 means double the original audio volume. The default value is 1.0.
- This function is a convenient alias and is equivalent to calling "Audio.defaultPlayer:play(address, volume)"
- Refer to the AudioPlayer:play method for a deeper understanding of how this function operates.
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