LocalizedTexts object

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LocalizedTexts object

This object represents an isolated context for working with translations without modifying the plugin translations itself. 

You can create a new instance of this object by calling Locale.newLocalizedTexts()

Object characteristics




obj:addText(localeId, textId, text)

Add a single translation entry to the LocalizedTexts object.


    • localeId - A string containing the identification of the locale, in BCP 47 format, in which this text should be used. Examples: "pt", "pt-BR", "en", "en-US", and so on. Nil or empty string means undefined.
    • textId - A string containing the identification of the text. This textId is used when searching translations with translations with obj:lang() and/or obj:tryLang().
    • text - A string containing the translated text.


Search for a translation to be used for the current user's language.


    • textId - A string containing the identification of the text.


    • A string containing the translated text.


    • If the search does not find text for the user's language, the function will return a string from another language. 
    • The function raises an error if "textId" does not exist in any language.


Loads a ".lang" file so that more translated text can be found by the obj:lang() and obj:tryLang() methods.


    • langTexts - A string with the contents of the .lang file that will be loaded



This function works similarly to the obj:lang() method, except it does not raise an error if the text entry does not exist. In such a case, a nil value is returned.

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