The Project

4 years ago, at the beginning of 2017, I decided to face one of the biggest challenges I experienced recently: Revitalize the RRPG Firecast with a modern interface, English translation and support for more operating systems.

In a leap of faith, I jumped on a long and unknown journey. In the beginning, I refined all the details of the program's development and the path lengthened for that reason. With the certainty of underestimating the size of the task, the trail started to get dark. Uncontrolled stress brought me the beast of mental exhaustion, which delayed the development of the program.

When you're tired without even being aware of it, things get difficult and, as much as some doctors said no, I thought I was depressed. Lack of concentration, physical tiredness, mental tiredness, discouragement and generalized laziness made me go many days without work. The journey of Firecast 8 has become immense and too heavy, a vicious cycle that fed back stress and mental fatigue. It was only in the second half of 2020 that I was able to start breaking the chains of this vicious cycle through psychological counseling. Even with mental exhaustion and high stress, today I am learning to deal with it better.

In December 2020, the focus and concentration gradually returned to me and I put in a graceful income for the next 3 months. With much effort and help, announcement today, March 31, 2021, the official launch of Firecast 8.

Launching this version today is like going back to the water's surface and breathing again. Not as if the journey had been completed, but to take a new breath to be able to continue the trail!

Let it be clear: I intend to bring bimonthly / quarterly updates to Firecast 8!

Next version

Firecast 8.1

Primary objective: Complete the modular interface that I plan for the program. To be able to customize the tabs, place files with the chat, duplicate the chat, close the library, etc.

Secondary objective: “Attachable docks”, including combat tracker.

Tertiary objective: Create release for macOS.


Many people helped me, directly or indirectly, during the development of Firecast 8. I am very grateful for the entire Firecast community and all the help received! I will mention, in a risky way, some of these people.

Thank you, in random order:

  • Mariany Freitas for the light and comfort throughout this journey.
  • Dinho Reis, Marcelo Galhardo and Flávio Pires for the program design.
  • Marcos Júnior for being a key person in the last 3 months: He found a great theme for our site, tested it and charged me daily for the day's compilations.
  • Thay and Lendário Oni for helping Firecast since the time when “everything was undergrowth”.
  • Jorge Vinícius for the technical support and for serving people in the online communities.
  • Dniester Amorim for the technical support and for bringing a different vision to the development of the program. I know that the project did not go the way you would like, but without your help it could have been even more different than you expected =).
  • BrunCarneiro for testing, defending and publicizing the program in other Facebook communities.
  • Leonardo Silver, Daniel Barão, Wellerson Gomes, Daniel Zamith, Karlinhos Oliveira, Stefano Silva, Misael Pacheco Silva, Stefano Silva, Thiago Moreira, Vitor Hugo, David Richard, Thiago Nascimento, Lucy York, Gabriel Portela Paim, Lucas Miranda, Flávio Figueiredo Araújo , Leonardo Martins and Lincoln Ruteski for the tests and feedbacks carried out throughout the project.
  • Raphael Oliveira, Rafael Almeida and Marlon Moço for helping behind the scenes of the project.
  • UnbornHexa for the tests and help on the Firecast website.
  • _DaGon, Siren, Tan, Garlic, Jesarus, Khamyr, GreatThiago, Deus Ex, Roullete Drakar, EspualoTempiono, Yan, Bode, Tails, CilonSx, Ave, tkplayer, Thunderbolt, Zeke, Eggimel, Sandman, Miboy, Sandman, Yipeekiyaay, Ayami, Ayami Liraques, Octane, Agiota 2.0, Armatheus, Ayd, Drakin, Vitamiina C, Fepo, Richard Brux, Hitoshura, Yato, Drakar the Terrible, Sasuke, Samael_the_Dreaw, Vibrissa, Lima, Ishtar, thirteen and everyone else on our Discord server who tested the Firecast Beta.
  • Katrine for helping and discovering various bugs and optimizations. A hug for your “PC da Xuxa” too, as it helped to identify several of these bugs!
  • Patrícia Gomes for psychological counseling.